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Bullous Pemphigoid

Bullous Pemphigoid is a very rare skin condition that gives rise to large, fluid-filled blisters. These blisters develop in the area of the skin that can flex, e.g. the armpits, lower abdomen and upper thighs. It can appear in a few areas in the body or can be widespread. One third of the patients develop blisters in their mouth, throat and esophagus apart from the skin. The condition occurs when the body's immune system attacks a thin layer of the tissue below the outer layer of the skin.

Bullous Pemphigoid is a rare occurrence in young adults and children. This condition is common in older people within the age group of 50 to 80. Bullous Pemphigoid is also slightly more common in women than men. Bullous Pemphigoid can get life threatening for older people with poor health. The condition settles down on its own within 5 years. In a few extreme cases, the condition lasts longer. The condition is not infectious and does not spread. Bullous Pemphigoid is commonly seen in the areas of the arms, mouth, groin, legs and abdomen. The exact cause for Bullous Pemphigoid is not clearly known. It is an autoimmune disease.

  • Blisters occur due to a problem in the body's immune system.

  • The body produces an antibody against the membrane between the epidermis (top layer of the skin) and the dermis (next layer of the skin) thus leading to the formation of blisters.

  • These blisters are a collection of fluid between the two layers of the skin. Certain medications, light and radiation may also cause the condition.

If the blisters are concentrated around the mucous membranes of your eyes and mouth, then it is called mucous membrane pemphigoid. Blisters on the eyes can lead to scarring.

  • Initial symptoms include small patches of itchy skin, pink rashes that resemble eczema.

  • Blisters develop within a week from the appearance of rashes.

  • Blisters are dome shaped and do not break when touched.

  • The fluid in the blister is usually clear or may contain some blood.

  • Blisters commonly appear in the lower abdomen, groin, arms and upper thigh.

  • Blisters appear in the crease/fold of the skin.

  • The number of of blisters may vary, a few areas of the body may get affected or the entire body may get affected.

  • The affected area may get itchy.

  • A few people may develop hives or eczema instead of blisters.

Skin biopsy is done. A blood test may help detect pemphigoid antibodies. This can be detected from urine sample of the person or from the fluid collected in the blister. The common treatment involved in treating Bullous Pemphigoid is aimed at relieving the person from itching and to heal the affected skin. Treatment may include corticosteroids, drugs to fight inflammation and drugs to suppress the immune system.

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